International Legal Solutions and Consultancy

Trusted Advice and Tailored Expert Opinion

Volkan Gözüyukarı & Partners

Law for World is a full-service law firm with offices in Ankara, Istanbul and partnering with many others across all Turkey and some European countries and Australia, which provides a wide range of legal services and consultancy to international businesses, employees, corporations, governments, and investors.

The firm’s services include high quality legal consultancy with International Commerce and Business Law, Real Estate and Construction Law, Energy Law, Contract Law, International Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments and many other legal matters. We guide our clients through difficult issues, bringing our deep insight and pure judgment to each situation.

Volkan Gözüyukarı



Our Practices

International Commercial and Business Law


Real Estate & Construction Law


Energy Law


Contract Law


International Recognition and
Enforcement of Foreign Judgments


How Can We Help You?